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Security cam caught weird UFO flying through the night sky over Kingsburg, California

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A few days ago, on Wednesday night around 10:09 p.m. the backyard security camera of a Kingsburg resident captured a weird looking object, what the resident described as an unusual strange light that started zigging and zagging on its trajectory. 


The cam owner wonders if it could be aliens or something else, but some viewers have suggested that it might be a digital artifact, a glitch in the camera or recording process that creates the optical illusion of an object with unusual characteristics, though not everyone is convinced it may have been a camera glitch. 


The sighting in Kingsburg California is indeed quite intriguing due to the unique appearance of the object, with a glowing front and what seems like an aura. The mystery deepens as much of the anomaly is shrouded by what appears to resemble a dark plasma cloud. 

It is hard to explain what the object could have been, maybe a UFO or otherworld entity? But as the cam owner said: "It's something, something different that I've ever seen."


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      About the Author
      Jenny Marder


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