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Lawmaker states "U.S. is holding secrets on UFOs"

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Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) says the American public is being "hosed" when it comes to the government releasing information about UFOs. Burchett believes the government is withholding serious information on UFOs from the public. 


Rep. Tim Burchett's statement comes at the same time as NASA announces their Unidentified Aerial Phenomena study team members. 

NASA has selected 16 individuals to participate in its independent study team on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or as known natural phenomena are categorized as UAPs. 

The independent study will begin on Monday, Oct. 24. Over the course of nine months, the independent study team will lay the groundwork for future study on the nature of UAPs for NASA and other organizations. To do this, the team will identify how data gathered by civilian government entities, commercial data, and data from other sources can potentially be analyzed to shed light on UAPs. It will then recommend a roadmap for potential UAP data analysis by the agency going forward. 

NASA has brought together some of the world's leading scientists, data and artificial intelligence practitioners, aerospace safety experts, all with a specific charge, which is to tell us how to apply the full focus of science and data to UAP. 

And then NASA says the following in their announcement: 
"Consistent with NASA’s principles of openness, transparency, and scientific integrity, this report will be shared publicly,” “All of NASA’s data is available to the public – we take that obligation seriously – and we make it easily accessible for anyone to see or study." 

What a hypocrisy, besides don't expect too much from this study, NASA as well as the Government have already collected so much information and evidence on the existing of the UFO phenomenon, but both organizations have covered it up for already so many years and as Rep. Tim Burchett said "the government (and NASA too) is withholding serious information on UFOs from the public." 


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