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Is the pentagram shaped anomaly found in Algeria of alien origin?

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The anomaly to be known as the Nisanian Pentagram. According to scientists the most plausible scientific explanation would seem to be that it is a natural, albeit highly weathered, formation known as a volcanic plug. 


Although they say it is a volcanic plug, it looks more like something which is artificially made, it just doesn't fit in the surrounding area. 

It also seems impossible that it was a meteor impact, other meteor impacts don't leave craters like this one. 

Now Google labelled this anomaly as 'H 666' 
666: 6+6+6=18=1+8=9 - 9 is the number present in the universe. 

Could it be that a long time ago extraterrestrial visitors have made this pentagram symbol to show the early civilization that the pentagram, the number 9, is the connection to the universe and other worlds? 

Coordinates: 29°14'25"N7°02'11"W

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