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Three Possible Alien Agendas: Upgrade Us, Colonize Earth, or Warn Us

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COAST TO COAST AM – November 2021. Jon Sumple of j3FILMS is the director and one of the producers of the new documentary film, Extraordinary: The Revelations. In the first hour, he discussed the approach he took to the subject of the historical significance of extraterrestrial presence. 


The film is targeted to people who many not have been exposed to the topic.

Sumple explained, adding it provides context for phenomena that has been documented as far back as 40,000 years ago in cave paintings. 

According to Sumple, there are three paradigms that define the alien agenda: ascension (ETs are here to upgrade us), colonization (ETs are here to take over), and biblical (ETs are in the Bible and are repeating what has happened in the past).

"Which one is right we don't know," he noted, suggesting there may be components of each view that are correct.


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      You see here how everything is interconnected by these different weather patterns.
      Lesley Ott
      NASA Climate scientist
      What are the sources of CO2? 
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      Global CO2 ppm for January-March of 2020. This camera move zooms in on the eastern United States. Download this visualization from NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio: https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/5196 Credits: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio There are two primary reasons for the pulsing: First, fires have a clear day-night cycle. They typically flare up during the day and die down at night. 
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      Inside the SVS studio:
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      For more information and data on greenhouse gases, visit the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center.
      About the Author
      Jenny Marder


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