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Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)

Artist concept highlighting the novel approach proposed by the 2025 NIAC awarded selection of the PULSAR: Planetary pULSe-tAkeR concept.
Artist concept highlighting the novel approach proposed by the 2025 NIAC awarded selection of PULSAR: Planetary pULSe-tAkeR concept.
NASA/Marco Quadrelli

Marco Quadrelli
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

There is a strong coupling mechanism between the lithosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere, atmosphere, and the plasmasphere of many planetary bodies. For example, the ionosphere has been shown to respond to space weather events induced by Solar activity, as well as to atmospheric events, and events in the surface and interior of a planet. PULSAR (Planetary pULSe-tAkeR) is a stable spacecraft constellation that enables large and reconfigurable detector baselines to sense a wide range of frequencies in this coupled domain, and distributed spatial and temporal measurements on a global scale, leading to new planetary science measurements. Like a doctor taking vitals and monitoring the health state of a patient, PULSAR literally “takes the pulse of the planet”.

2025 Selections



Last Updated
Jan 10, 2025
Loura Hall

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      To keep up with the latest news from NASA’s planetary defense program, visit:
      Abbey Donaldson
      Headquarters, Washington
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