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The ARCSTONE observatory is shown in low Earth orbit with the spectrometer viewing the Sun and Moon. The spacecraft rotates in order to view the Moon or the Sun.

One of the most challenging tasks in remote sensing from space is achieving required instrument calibration accuracy on-orbit. The Moon is considered to be an excellent exoatmospheric calibration source. However, the current accuracy of the Moon as an absolute reference is limited to 5 – 10%, and this level of accuracy is inadequate to meet the challenging objective of Earth Science observations. ARCSTONE is a mission concept that provides a solution to this challenge. An orbiting spectrometer flying on a small satellite in low Earth orbit will provide lunar spectral reflectance with accuracy sufficient to establish an SI-traceable absolute lunar calibration standard for past, current, and future Earth weather and climate sensors.

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      NASA’s Roman Coronagraph Instrument will greatly advance our ability to directly image exoplanets, or planets and disks around other stars.
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      Artwork Key
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      Artwork Key
      1. The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
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      8. “Dark Energy” Drink + “Dark Matter” Candy : Roman will enable new research into the mysteries of dark energy and dark matter.  
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      Jan 14, 2025
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      Meet Former HAS Student Neel Narayan 

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      He credits the HAS community, especially his fellow scholars, with shaping his academic and professional growth. “I benefited most from the networking opportunities, particularly with the other HAS scholars in my cohort,” he said. “For those of us studying together in California, we’ve met up to discuss work, school, and external opportunities. Everyone in the program comes out very successful, and I’m grateful to have met those people and to still stay in touch with them.” 

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      Neel Narayan, University of Stanford. Narayan is currently pursuing a master’s degree in computational and mathematical engineering at Stanford University after earning an undergraduate degree in computer science. With his graduate program, Narayan is building on the foundation he developed through NASA’s HAS program. 

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      Meet Sarah Braun 

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      Sarah Braun engages in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics outreach at the Air Zoo Aerospace & Science Museum in Portage, Michigan, standing beside a Gemini model. The program gave her the opportunity to network, problem-solve, and collaborate with students from various backgrounds. “Learning how to communicate designs I could picture in my head was the biggest challenge, but by observing my teammates and mentors, I built the skills I needed.”  

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      Sarah Braun at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton, Ohio. She stands in front of the hardware she now works on at Collins Aerospace. Braun advises high school students uncertain about their career paths to get engaged and ask questions. “There are so many people out there who pursue STEM to follow a passion or challenge themselves,” she said. “Talking with people about what they have experienced and learned has been a huge help and inspiration for me throughout the years.”  

      She is also passionate about inspiring and educating others. “Whether I’m leading after-school STEM clubs or mentoring students, outreach and teaching have become my biggest contributions to NASA’s mission of exploration and discovery,” said Braun.  

       Meet Audrey Scott  

      Audrey Scott credits the HAS program with giving her a chance to explore science in the real world. “I experienced the excitement space could bring through livestream events like the landing of NASA’s InSight Lander mission and Cassini’s Grand Finale,” she said.  
      Audrey Scott, front, with fellow 2019 HAS graduates. Scott shared that the HAS program opened her eyes to the vast possibilities within STEM fields. Seeing the many ways to apply a STEM degree in practice broadened her perspective and inspired her to pursue her passion. 

      After HAS, Scott chose to study astrophysics at the University of Chicago in Illinois, where she is now pursuing her Ph.D. in experimental cosmology and laying the groundwork for a future in space exploration. 

      “My time with HAS and its encouragement of STEM excellence gave me the confidence I needed to take the plunge,” said Scott. 

      The program also transformed her approach to teamwork and exposed her to fast-paced problem-solving. “My school didn’t prioritize group projects, so working with people from all different backgrounds and personalities was informative for my future work in college,” she said. “HAS was a safe space to experiment with being both a leader and collaborator.”   

      She encourages high school students uncertain of their path to “try everything.” Scott advises, “If you have a moment of fascination, take advantage of that intellectual and creative energy, and learn something new. Time spent realizing you don’t like something is just as useful as time spent realizing you do.” She also recommends seeking out resources, finding mentors, and talking to everyone. 

      Scott continues to connect with some of her HAS cohort, especially young women navigating STEM paths alongside her. “We’ve been able to support each other through challenges,” she said. “Being part of HAS made me, in a way, part of the NASA family.” 
      Audrey Scott, front, with fellow 2019 HAS graduates. Scott’s HAS experience opened doors to opportunities like the Brooke Owens Fellowship, where she worked on a satellite in partnership with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and later the Illinois Space Grant award, which took her to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. She envisions part of her thesis research as a Ph.D. candidate taking place at a NASA center and remains open to a future at the agency.  

      “I’ll continue advocating for space exploration and pushing the boundaries of what’s known,” she said. “In my research, I’m driven by questions like, ‘What did the beginning of the universe look like—and why are we here?’”
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      4 min read
      Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater)
      LMS instrument aboard the Blue Ghost Lander heading to Mare Crisium in mid-January
      As part of its Artemis campaign, NASA is developing a series of increasingly complex lunar deliveries and missions to ultimately build a sustained human presence at the Moon for decades to come. Through the agency’s CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services) initiative, commercial provider Firefly’s Blue Ghost lander will head to the Moon’s Mare Crisium for a 14-day lunar lander mission, carrying NASA science and technology that will help understand the lunar subsurface in a previously unexplored location.
      From within the Mare Crisium impact basin, the SwRI-led Lunar Magnetotelluric Sounder (LMS) may provide the first geophysical measurements representative of the bulk of the Moon. Most of the Apollo missions landed in the region of linked maria to the west (left image), whose crust was later shown to be compositionally distinct (right image) as exemplified by the concentration of the element thorium. Mare Crisium provides a smooth landing site on the near side of the Moon outside of this anomalous region. NASA Developed by the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), NASA’s Lunar Magnetotelluric Sounder (LMS) will probe the interior of the Moon to depths of up to 700 miles, two-thirds of the way to the lunar center. The measurements will shed light on the differentiation and thermal history of our Moon, a cornerstone to understanding the evolution of solid worlds.
      Magnetotellurics uses natural variations in surface electric and magnetic fields to calculate how easily electricity flows in subsurface materials, which can reveal their composition and structure.
      “For more than 50 years, scientists have used magnetotellurics on Earth for a wide variety of purposes, including to find oil, water, and geothermal and mineral resources, as well as to understand geologic processes such as the growth of continents,” said SwRI’s Dr. Robert Grimm, principal investigator of LMS. “The LMS instrument will be the first extraterrestrial application of magnetotellurics.”
      Mare Crisium is an ancient, 350-mile-diameter impact basin that subsequently filled with lava, creating a dark spot visible on the Moon from Earth. Early astronomers who dubbed dark spots on the moon “maria,” Latin for seas, mistook them for actual seas.
      Mare Crisium stands apart from the large, connected areas of dark lava to the west where most of the Apollo missions landed. These vast, linked lava plains are now thought to be compositionally and structurally different from the rest of the Moon. From this separate vantage point, LMS may provide the first geophysical measurements representative of most of the Moon.
      The Lunar Magnetotelluric Sounder (LMS) will probe the interior of the Moon to depths of up to 700 miles or two-thirds of the lunar radius. The measurements will shed light on the differentiation and thermal history of our Moon, a cornerstone to understanding the evolution of solid worlds.
      NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center The LMS instrument ejects cables with electrodes at 90-degree angles to each other and distances up to 60 feet. The instrument measures voltages across opposite pairs of electrodes, much like the probes of a conventional voltmeter. The magnetometer is deployed via an extendable mast to reduce interference from the lander. The magnetotelluric method reveals a vertical profile of the electrical conductivity, providing insight into the temperature and composition of the penetrated materials in the lunar interior.
      “The five individual subsystems of LMS, together with connecting cables, weigh about 14 pounds and consume about 11 Watts of power,” Grimm said. “While stowed, each electrode is surrounded by a ‘yarn ball’ of cable, so the assembly is roughly spherical and the size of a softball.”
      The LMS payload was funded and will be delivered to the lunar surface through NASA’s CLPS initiative. Southwest Research Institute based in San Antonio built the central electronics and leads the science investigation. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, provided the LMS magnetometer to measure the magnetic fields, and Heliospace Corp. provided the electrodes used to measure the electrical fields.
      Under the CLPS model, NASA is investing in commercial delivery services to the Moon to enable industry growth and support long-term lunar exploration. As a primary customer for CLPS deliveries, NASA aims to be one of many customers on future flights. NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, manages the development of seven of the 10 CLPS payloads carried on Firefly’s Blue Ghost lunar lander.
      Media Contact: Rani Gran
      NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland
      Last Updated Jan 10, 2025 EditorRob GarnerContactRani GranLocationGoddard Space Flight Center Related Terms
      Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) Earth's Moon Goddard Space Flight Center View the full article
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