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50 Years Ago: Launch of Helios 1 to Explore the Sun
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By European Space Agency
Video: 00:00:40 Back in 2023, we reported on Solar Orbiter’s discovery of tiny jets near the Sun’s south pole that could be powering the solar wind. The team behind this research has now used even more data from the European Space Agency’s prolific solar mission to confirm that these jets exist all over dark patches in the Sun’s atmosphere, and that they really are a source of not only fast but also slow solar wind.
The newfound jets can be seen in this sped-up video as hair-like wisps that flash very briefly, for example within the circled regions of the Sun's surface. In reality they last around one minute and fling out charged particles at about 100 km/s.
The surprising result is published today in Astronomy & Astrophysics, highlighting how Solar Orbiter’s unique combination of instruments can unveil the mysteries of the star at the centre of our Solar System.
The solar wind is the never-ending rain of electrically charged particles given out by the Sun. It pervades the Solar System and its effects can be felt on Earth. Yet despite decades of study, its origin remained poorly understood. Until now.
The solar wind comes in two main forms: fast and slow. We have known for decades that the fast solar wind comes from the direction of dark patches in the Sun’s atmosphere called coronal holes – regions where the Sun’s magnetic field does not turn back down into the Sun but rather stretches deep into the Solar System.
Charged particles can flow along these ‘open’ magnetic field lines, heading away from the Sun, and creating the solar wind. But a big question remained: how do these particles get launched from the Sun in the first place?
Building upon their previous discovery, the research team (led by Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany) used Solar Orbiter’s onboard ‘cameras’ to spot more tiny jets within coronal holes close to the Sun’s equator.
By combining these high-resolution images with direct measurements of solar wind particles and the Sun’s magnetic field around Solar Orbiter, the researchers could directly connect the solar wind measured at the spacecraft back to those exact same jets.
What’s more, the team was surprised to find not just fast solar wind coming from these jets, but also slow solar wind. This is the first time that we can say for sure that at least some of the slow solar wind also comes from tiny jets in coronal holes – until now, the origin of the solar wind had been elusive.
The fact that the same underlying process drives both fast and slow solar wind comes as a surprise. The discovery is only possible thanks to Solar Orbiter’s unique combination of advanced imaging systems, as well as its instruments that can directly detect particles and magnetic fields.
The measurements were taken when Solar Orbiter made close approaches to the Sun in October 2022 and April 2023. These close approaches happen roughly twice a year; during the next ones, the researchers hope to collect more data to better understand how these tiny jets ‘launch’ the solar wind.
Solar Orbiter is a space mission of international collaboration between ESA and NASA, operated by ESA. This research used data from Solar Orbiter’s Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI), Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager (PHI), Solar Wind Plasma Analyser (SWA) and Magnetometer (MAG). Find out more about the instruments Solar Orbiter is using to reveal more about the Sun.
Read our news story from 2023 about how Solar Orbiter discovered tiny jets that could power the solar wind
Read more about how Solar Orbiter can trace the solar wind back to its source region on the Sun
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3 Min Read How Does the Sun Behave? (Grades K-4)
This article is for students grades K-4.
The Sun is a star. It is the biggest object in our solar system. The Sun is about 93 million miles away from Earth and about 4.5 billion years old. The Sun affects Earth’s weather, seasons, climate, and more. Let’s learn about how the Sun behaves.
Why is the Sun warm and bright?
The Sun is a giant ball made of hydrogen and helium gases. Deep in the center of the Sun, hydrogen atoms are pressed together. This forms helium. When this happens, energy is released. That energy is the heat and light we feel and see all the way here on Earth.
Hydrogen atoms are pressed together to form helium. This releases energy in the form of heat and light. Does the Sun ever change?
Sometimes, the Sun is very active. It gives off a lot of energy. Other times, it is quieter. It gives off less energy. This pattern is called the solar cycle. One solar cycle lasts about 11 years.
Scientists call the time when the Sun is active “solar maximum.” During this time, we see darker, cooler spots on the Sun’s surface. These are called sunspots. When the Sun is less active, scientists call that “solar minimum.”
Scientists call the time when the Sun is active “solar maximum.” When the Sun is less active, scientists call that “solar minimum.” Does the Sun have a north pole?
Yes! Just like Earth, the Sun has north and south magnetic poles. But every 11 years, the Sun’s poles flip. North becomes south and south becomes north.
Every 11 years, the Sun’s poles flip. North becomes south and south becomes north. What is space weather?
Space weather includes things like solar wind, solar storms, and solar flares. When the Sun is active, these things can have an impact on Earth and in space.
Let’s learn more about space weather and how it affects our planet.
What is solar wind?
The solar wind is a constant wave of particles flowing out into space from the Sun’s surface. It travels deep into space. When the solar wind reaches Earth, its particles interact with Earth’s magnetic field. This causes colorful streams of moving light at Earth’s north and south poles. These are called auroras or the northern and southern lights.
When the solar wind from the Sun reaches Earth, its particles interact with Earth’s magnetic field. This causes colorful streams of moving light at Earth’s north and south poles. What are solar storms and solar flares?
The Sun’s magnetic fields are always moving. They twist and stretch. Sometimes they snap and reconnect. When this happens, it releases a burst of energy. This can cause a solar storm.
Solar storms can include solar flares. A solar flare is a blast of light and energy from the Sun’s surface. They usually erupt near sunspots. Solar flares happen more often during solar maximum and less often during solar minimum.
A solar flare is a blast of light and energy from the Sun’s surface. How does space weather affect Earth?
Earth is protected from most space weather. Our atmosphere and magnetic field act like a shield. But strong solar storms can still cause problems. Areas might lose electricity. Radios might not work. Satellites can be damaged. NASA keeps an eye on space weather. If strong storms are predicted, teams work to protect spacecraft and astronauts in space.
How are we learning more about the Sun?
A space probe is a robot that explores space. They often visit other planets, moons, or asteroids and comets that also orbit the Sun. NASA’s Parker Solar Probe launched to the Sun in 2018. The Parker Solar Probe is on a special mission. It flies very close to the Sun to collect information. This will help scientists learn new things about the Sun and how it affects life on Earth.
Visit these websites to read more about the Sun: Read NASA Knows: How Does the Sun Behave? (Grades 5-8).
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The first shuttle mission of 1995, STS-63 included several historic firsts. As part of Phase 1 of the International Space Station program, space shuttle Discovery’s 20th flight conducted the first shuttle rendezvous with the Mir space station, in preparation for future dockings. The six-person crew included Commander James Wetherbee, Pilot Eileen Collins – the first woman to pilot a space shuttle mission – Payload Commander Bernard Harris, and Mission Specialists Michael Foale, Janice Voss, and Vladimir Titov. The spacewalk conducted during the mission included the first African American and the first British born astronauts to walk in space. The crew conducted 20 science and technology experiments aboard the third flight of the Spacehab module. The astronauts deployed and retrieved the SPARTAN-204 satellite that during its two-day free flight carried out observations of galactic objects using an ultraviolet instrument.
The STS-63 crew patch. The STS-63 crew of Janice Voss, front row left, Eileen Collins, James Wetherbee, and Vladimir Titov; Bernard Harris, back row left, and Michael Foale. The Shuttle-Mir program patch. NASA announced the six-person STS-63 crew in September 1993 for a mission then expected to fly in May 1994. Wetherbee, selected by NASA in 1984, had already flown twice in space, as pilot on STS-32 and commander of STS-52. For Collins, selected in the class of 1990 as the first woman shuttle pilot, STS-63 marked her first spaceflight. Also selected in 1990, Harris had flown previously on STS-55 and Voss on STS-57. Foale, selected as an astronaut in 1987, had flown previously on STS-45 and STS-56. Titov, selected as a cosmonaut in 1976, had flown two previous spaceflights – a two-day aborted docking mission to Salyut-7 and the first year-long mission to Mir – and survived a launch pad abort. He served as backup to Sergei Krikalev on STS-60, who now served as Titov’s backup.
Space shuttle Discovery rolls out to Launch Pad 39B. The STS-63 crew during the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test in the White Room of Launch Pad 39B. The STS-63 astronauts walk out of crew quarters for the van ride out to the launch pad. Space shuttle Discovery arrived back at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Sept. 27, 1994, after a ferry flight from California following its previous mission, STS-64. Workers towed it to the Orbiter Processing Facility the next day. Following installation of the Spacehab, SPARTAN, and other payloads, on Jan. 5, 1995, workers rolled Discovery from the processing facility to the Vehicle Assembly Building for mating with an external tank and twin solid rocket boosters. Rollout to Launch Pad 39B took place on Jan. 10. On Jan. 17-18, teams conducted the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test, a dress rehearsal for the countdown to launch planned for Feb. 2, with the astronaut crew participating in the final few hours as they would on launch day. They returned to Kennedy on Jan. 29 for final pre-launch preparations. On Feb. 2, launch teams called a 24-hour scrub to allow time to replace a failed inertial measurement unit aboard Discovery.
Launch of space shuttle Discovery on mission STS-63. STS-63 Commander James Wetherbee on Discovery’s flight deck. STS-63 Pilot Eileen Collins on Discovery’s flight deck. On Feb. 3, Discovery and its six-person crew lifted off from Launch Pad 39B at 12:22 a.m. EST, the time dictated by orbital mechanics – Discovery had to launch into the plane of Mir’s orbit. Within 8.5 minutes, Discovery had reached orbit, for the first time in shuttle history at an inclination of 51.6 degrees, again to match Mir’s trajectory. Early in the mission, one of Discovery’s 44 attitude control thrusters failed and two others developed minor but persistent leaks, threatening the Mir rendezvous.
View of the Spacehab module in Discovery’s payload bay. The SPARTAN-204 satellite attached to the remote manipulator system or robotic arm during the flight day two operations. On the mission’s first day in space, Harris and Titov activated the Spacehab module and several of its experiments. Wetherbee and Collins performed the first of five maneuvers to bring Discovery within 46 miles of Mir for the final rendezvous on flight day four. Teams on the ground worked with the astronauts to resolve the troublesome thruster problems to ensure a safe approach to the planned 33 feet. On flight day 2, as those activities continued, Titov grappled the SPARTAN satellite with the shuttle’s robotic arm and lifted it out of the payload bay. Scientists used the ultraviolet instrument aboard SPARTAN to investigate the ultraviolet glow around the orbiter and the aftereffects of thruster firings. The tests complete, Titov placed SPARTAN back in the payload bay.
The Mir space station as seen from Discovery during the rendezvous. Space shuttle Discovery as seen from Mir during the rendezvous. Mir during Discovery’s flyaround. On flight day three, the astronauts continued working on science experiments while Wetherbee and Collins completed several more burns for the rendezvous on flight day four, the thruster issues resolved to allow the close approach to 33 feet. Flying Discovery manually from the aft flight deck, and assisted by his crew mates, Wetherbee slowly brought the shuttle to within 33 feet of the Kristall module of the space station. The STS-63 crew communicated with the Mir-17 crew of Aleksandr Viktorenko, Elena Kondakova, and Valeri Polyakov via VHF radio, and the crews could see each other through their respective spacecraft windows. After station-keeping for about 10 minutes, Wetherbee slowly backed Discovery away from Mir to a distance of 450 feet. He flew a complete circle around Mir before conducting a final separation maneuver.
The SPARTAN-204 satellite as it begins its free flight on flight day five. STS-63 crew member Vladimir Titov works on an experiment in the Spacehab module. On the mission’s fifth day, Titov once again grappled SPARTAN with the robotic arm, but this time after raising it above the payload bay, he released the satellite to begin its two-day free flight. Wetherbee steered Discovery away from the departing satellite. During its free flight, the far ultraviolet imaging spectrograph aboard SPARTAN recorded about 40 hours of observations of galactic dust clouds. During this time, the astronauts aboard the shuttle continued work on the 20 experiments in Spacehab and prepared for the upcoming spacewalk.
STS-63 crew member Janice Voss operates the remote manipulator system during the retrieval of the SPARTAN-204 satellite. STS-63 astronauts Bernard Harris, left, and Michael Foale at the start of their spacewalk. Wetherbee and the crew flew the second rendezvous of the mission on flight day seven to retrieve SPARTAN. Voss operated the robotic arm to capture and stow the satellite in the payload bay following its 43-hour free flight. Meanwhile, Foale and Harris suited up in the shuttle’s airlock and spent four hours breathing pure oxygen to rid their bodies of nitrogen to prevent decompression sickness, also known as the bends, when they reduced their spacesuit pressures for the spacewalk.
Astronauts Bernard Harris, left, and Michael Foale during the spacesuit thermal testing part of their spacewalk. Foale, left, and Harris during the mass handling part of their spacewalk. Foale and Harris exited the airlock minutes after Voss safely stowed SPARTAN. With Titov operating the robotic arm, Harris and Foale climbed aboard its foot restraint to begin the first phase of the spacewalk, testing modifications to the spacesuits for their thermal characteristics. Titov lifted them well above the payload bay and the two spacewalkers stopped moving for about 15 minutes, until their hands and feet got cold. The spacewalk then continued into its second portion, the mass handling activity. Titov steered Foale above the SPARTAN where he lifted the satellite up and handed it off to Harris anchored in the payload bay. Harris then moved it around in different directions to characterize handling of the 2,600-pound satellite. Foale and Harris returned to the airlock after a spacewalk lasting 4 hours 39 minutes.
The STS-63 astronauts pose for their inflight crew photo. Discovery makes a successful landing at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The day following the spacewalk, the STS-63 crew finished the science experiments, closed down the Spacehab module, and held a news conference with reporters on the ground. Wetherbee and Collins tested Discovery’s thrusters and aerodynamic surfaces in preparation for the following day’s reentry and landing. The next day, on Feb. 11, they closed Discovery’s payload bay doors and put on their launch and entry suits. Wetherbee guided Discovery to a smooth landing on Kennedy’s Shuttle Landing Facility, ending the historic mission after eight days, six hours, and 28 minutes. They orbited the Earth 129 times. The mission paved the way for nine shuttle dockings with Mir beginning with STS-71, and 37 with the International Space Station. Workers at Kennedy towed Discovery to the processing facility to prepare it for its next mission, STS-70 in July 1995.
Over the next three years, Wetherbee, Collins, Foale, and Titov all returned to Mir during visiting shuttle flights, with Foale staying aboard as the NASA-5 long-duration crew member. Between 2001 and 2005, Wetherbee, Collins, and Foale also visited the International Space Station. Wetherbee commanded two assembly flights, Collins commanded the return to flight mission after the Columbia accident, and Foale commanded Expedition 8.
Enjoy the crew narrate a video about their STS-63 mission.
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On Jan. 24, 1985, space shuttle Discovery took off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida on STS-51C, the first space shuttle mission entirely dedicated to the Department of Defense (DOD). As such, many of the details of the flight remain classified. Discovery’s crew of Commander Thomas “T.K.” Mattingly, Pilot Loren Shriver, Mission Specialists Ellison Onizuka and James Buchli, and Payload Specialist Gary Payton deployed a classified satellite that used an Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) to reach its final geostationary orbit. The three-day mission ended with a landing at KSC. Postflight inspection of the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) revealed the most significant erosion of O-ring seals seen in the shuttle program up to that time, attributed to unusually cold weather before and during launch.
The STS-51C crew of Pilot Loren Shriver, seated left, and Commander Thomas “T.K.” Mattingly; Payload Specialist Gary Payton, standing left, and Mission Specialists James Buchli and Ellison Onizuka. The STS-51C crew patch. In October 1982, NASA assigned astronauts Mattingly, Shriver, Onizuka, and Buchli as the STS-10 crew for a dedicated DOD flight aboard Challenger then scheduled for September 1983. Payton joined the crew as a payload specialist in the summer of 1983 with Keith Wright assigned as his backup. The failure of the IUS on STS-6 in April 1983 delayed the STS-10 mission, that also used the IUS, until engineers could identify and fix the cause of the problem. By September 1983, NASA had remanifested the crew and the payload on STS-41F with a July 1984 launch, that changed to STS-41E by November 1983. Additional delays in fixing the IUS delayed the mission yet again, by June 1984 redesignated as STS-51C and slated for December 1984 aboard Challenger.
STS-51C marked the third spaceflight for Mattingly, selected in 1966 as part of NASA’s fifth group of astronauts. He served on the prime crew for Apollo 13 until exposure to German measles forced his last-minute replacement by his backup. He then flew on Apollo 16 and STS-4. For Shriver, Onizuka, and Buchli, all three selected as astronauts in the class of 1978, STS-51C marked their first trip into space. The U.S. Air Force selected Payton and Wright in August 1979 in its first class of Manned Spaceflight Engineers, and STS-51C marked Payton’s first and only space mission.
In November 1984, NASA decided to delay STS-51C from December 1984 to January 1985 and swap orbiters from Challenger to Discovery. Postflight inspections following Challenger’s STS-41G mission in October 1984 revealed degradation of the bonding materials holding thermal protection system tiles onto the orbiter, requiring the replacement of 4,000 tiles. The time required to complete the work precluded a December launch. Tests conducted on Discovery prior to its November STS-51A mission revealed the bonding material to be sound.
Space shuttle Discovery rolls out to Launch Pad 39A. The STS-51C crew poses during launch pad evacuation drills associated with the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test. The STS-51C crew exits crew quarters for the ride to Launch Pad 39A. On Jan. 5, 1985, Discovery rolled out from KSC’s Vehicle Assembly Building, where workers mated it with its External Tank (ET) and SRBs, to Launch Pad 39A. There, engineers conducted the Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test, essentially a dress rehearsal for the actual countdown, on Jan. 6-7, with the crew participating in the final few hours much as they would on launch day. The astronauts returned to KSC on Jan. 20 to prepare for the planned launch on Jan. 23. The day before, NASA managers decided to delay the launch by one day due to unseasonably cold weather, with concern about sub-freezing temperatures causing ice to form on the ET and possibly coming loose during ascent and damaging the vehicle. The DOD had requested that NASA keep the actual launch time secret until T minus nine minutes, with most of the countdown taking place hidden from public view.
Liftoff of space shuttle Discovery on STS-51C. Liftoff of Discovery on its third mission, STS-51C, came at 2:50 p.m. EST on Jan. 24, beginning the 15th space shuttle flight. Eight and a half minutes later, Discovery and its five-man crew had reached orbit. And, at the DOD customer’s request, all public coverage of the mission ended. Although NASA could not reveal the spacecraft’s orbital parameters, trade publications calculated that Discovery first entered an elliptical orbit, circularized over the next few revolutions, prior to Onizuka deploying the IUS and payload combination on the seventh orbit. Neither NASA nor the DOD have released any imagery of the deployment or even of the payload bay, with only a limited number of in-cabin and Earth observation photographs made public.
STS-51C Commander Thomas “T.K.” Mattingly films the Earth from Discovery’s overhead flight deck window. STS-51C crew members Loren Shriver, left, Ellison Onizuka, and James Buchli on Discovery’s flight deck. STS-51C Payload Specialist Gary Payton on Discovery’s flight deck. Sunlight streams through Earth’s upper atmosphere, with Discovery’s tail and Orbital Maneuvering Engine pods outlined by sunlight. The Pacific coast of Guatemala and southern Mexico. New Orleans and the Mississippi River delta. Discovery touches down at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The STS-51C astronauts are greeted by NASA officials as they exit Discovery. To maintain the mission’s secrecy, NASA could reveal the touchdown time only 16 hours prior to the event. On Jan. 27, Mattingly and Shriver brought Discovery to a smooth landing at KSC’s Shuttle Landing Facility after a flight of three days one hour 33 minutes, the shortest space shuttle mission except for the first two orbital test flights. The astronauts orbited the Earth 49 times. About an hour after touchdown, the astronaut crew exited Discovery and boarded the Astrovan for the ride back to crew quarters. Neither NASA management nor the astronauts held a post mission press conference. The U.S. Air Force announced only that the “IUS aboard STS-51C was deployed from the shuttle Discovery and successfully met its mission objectives.” Later in the day, ground crews towed Discovery to the Orbiter Processing Facility to begin preparing it for its next planned mission, STS-51D in March.
Following the recovery of SRBs after each shuttle mission, engineers conducted detailed inspections before clearing them for reuse. After STS-51C, inspections of the critical O-ring seals that prevented hot gases from escaping from the SRB field joints revealed significant erosion and “blow-by” between the primary and secondary O-rings. Both left and right hand SRBs showed this erosion, the most significant of the program up to that time. Importantly, these O-rings experienced weather colder than any previous shuttle mission, with overnight ambient temperatures in the teens and twenties. Even at launch time, the O-rings had reached only 60 degrees. Engineers believed that these cold temperatures made the O-rings brittle and more susceptible to erosion. One year later, space shuttle Challenger launched after similarly cold overnight temperatures, with O-rings at 57 degrees at launch time. The Rogers Commission report laid the blame of the STS-51L accident on the failure of O-rings that allowed super-hot gases to escape from the SRB and impinge on the hydrogen tank in the ET, resulting in the explosion that destroyed the orbiter and claimed the lives of seven astronauts. The commission also faulted NASA’s safety culture for not adequately addressing the issue of O-ring erosion, a phenomenon first observed on STS-2 and to varying degrees on several subsequent missions.
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