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Michael Thorpe Studies Sediment from Source to Sink


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Name: Michael Thorpe

Title: Sedimentary and Planetary Geologist

Organization: Planetary Environments Laboratory, Science Directorate (Code 699)

Michael Thorpe, a man with dark hair, poses with a tube of sediment collected from a nearby body of water. He wears a gray sweatshirt underneath dark green waders, or waterproof overalls, and kneels next to a brown lake with clumpy dirt banks in the foreground and background. Two more scientists in waders stand next to a small, flat white boat. The sky is bright blue and mostly covered with puffy clouds.
Sedimentary and planetary geologist Dr. Michael Thorpe studies sediments’ journey from mountains to downstream lakes, both on Earth and on Mars.
Photo Courtesy of Iceland Space Agency / Daniel Leeb

What do you do and what is most interesting about your role here at Goddard? How do you help support Goddard’s mission?

As a sedimentary and planetary geologist, my research focuses on how sediments are transformed from the mountains to the lakes downstream, which is a process called source to sink. I study this phenomenon around the globe on Earth and then compare the results to those from similar sites on Mars.

Why did you become a geologist?

I grew up on the Hudson River Valley and loved to be outdoors. I knew that I wanted to pursue a career that kept me outdoors hiking, looking at nature and the environment. My sister, my hiking companion, always told me that rocks have a story to tell, which inspired me.

What is your educational background?

I have a bachelor’s degree in geology from Towson University, and both a master’s and a doctorate in geosciences from Stony Brook University. I then did a NASA post-doctoral fellowship at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. I was also later contracted at Johnson as a Mars Sample Return scientist.

Why did you come to Goddard?

Goddard was a dream job for me because I have always admired the group of scientists here, and I really wanted to work with the team in the planetary environments laboratory. Over the years, I closely followed their work, and it is exciting to be in a role to start contributing. I came to Goddard in July 2022 and tried to hit the ground running.

Dr. Michael Thorpe laughs and adjusts his coat collar as he stands in ankle-deep water. He wears a gold stocking cap and navy blue winter coat underneath dark green waders, or waterproof overalls. He stands in front of a blue pontoon boat covered with straps, loops, and equipment. Dark brown, rocky mountains are visible in the background and the sky is a heavy, cloudy gray.
Dr. Michael Thorpe, a sedimentary and planetary geologist at Goddard, travels around the world on field campaigns to collect sediment samples. “I hope to keep exploring places around the globe because each field site adds a new piece to the puzzle,” he said. “However, every place I go, the puzzle ends up getting more complex and it motivates me to develop more questions for the next adventure.”
Photo Courtesy of Iceland Space Agency / Daniel Leeb

Tell us about your field campaigns.

I target terrains on Earth that may have been similar to ancient environments on the surface of Mars. To add some complexity to the system, I explore environments around the globe to better understand the impact climate has on the weathering of rocks. This work has implications for planetary exploration but also helps in understanding the long-term carbon cycle on Earth and its role in climate change.

In the field, I scoop up sediments, rocks, and water samples all the way from the source terrains in the mountains to depositional sites downstream. I then bring them back to our labs here at Goddard to study their geochemistry and minerology, but also ship samples off to my amazing collaborators for additional analysis in their labs around the world.

I have been super lucky early in my career be a part of five field campaigns to Iceland and then one to Hawaii, Idaho, and most recently Lazarote, Spain.

I hope to keep exploring places around the globe because each field site adds a new piece to the puzzle. However, every place I go, the puzzle ends up getting more complex and it motivates me to develop more questions for the next adventure.

What preparations do you take to conduct remote field work?

I’ll use Iceland as example for this one. For this work, we commonly are trekking to remote locations. In order to get there, we took modified trucks which were able to go through water, ice, and snow and even climb some pretty steep terrains. Theses trucks are cool because the driver can inflate and deflate the very large tires in real-time.

In the field, we wear our warm gear including down jackets but also sometimes waders to keep us dry while surveying a river. One of my favorite pieces of clothing in the field is a buff, which sits around our necks but we can also pull it up over our faces to shield us from the elements, which can include 70-plus mph winds at times.

Some recent and exciting preparation we have for the field is bringing an inflatable boat, basically a floating pontoon, to sample lake sediment. We take the pontoon over the water and then drill for sediment samples off the platform.

How important is a good team during remote field work?

Establishing a good team is the foundation for successful field work.

As a team leader, it is important to recognize the strengths as well as the limitations of all personnel, including myself. I am aware of my specialties and the areas where each teammate may thrive. When you put the right person in the right position, it makes the team excel. This fosters mutual respect and builds a support system. We understand we need to get the job done and how important each role is for the entire team.

I tend go out in fairly large groups, sometimes as many as 25 people. We all respect the science and each other. Everyone brings a different piece to the team. When we are sampling, everyone has a mission and a role, sometimes creating sub-teams to a sample different area or components of the study site.

Dr. Michael Thorpe turns to look over his shoulder as he stands in water against a cloudy gray-blue sky. He wears a dark green stocking cap and a dark green quilted jacket underneath dark green waders, or waterproof overalls. His right hand rests on the side of a small boat with backpacks sitting on its top. A rocky brown coastline extends into the image behind him, and the clouds hang low over a dark blue horizon far off in the distance.
Dr. Michael Thorpe, a sedimentary and planetary geologist at Goddard, is regularly taken to harsh environments in his study of sediments around the globe.
Photo Courtesy of Iceland Space Agency / Daniel Leeb

What is the most important advice your mentor Amy McAdam told you?

Amy is the geochemist who leads our lab. Amy’s most important advice for me has been “go for it.” I say that jokingly, but it truly is incredibly helpful as a scientist to have someone backing you like that. She puts me in a position to succeed and always gives me the thumbs up to follow my scientific curiosity. Amy leads by example, both in the lab and field, I am grateful for all her support and look forward to working with her for many years.

As a mentor yourself, what is the one thing you tell your students?

Stay curious and do what you love. That’s the motto I have been following in my career, passed down from an amazing lineage of mentors, and I encourage all my mentees to do the same. It’s important for my students to follow their passions as well as to come up with new ideas. At the end of the day, it is remarkable to see a student develop their own research avenue. I hope to continue paying it forward and I look forward to mentoring the next generation of scientists for years to come.

What do you do for fun?

I love to watch and play all sports. Additionally, hiking brings me to my happy place. Hitting the trails with friends or my pup is icing on the cake. Speaking of cake, I also thoroughly enjoy cooking. Cooking relaxes me, it brings the family together, and it’s also something my wife and I love to do together. One of our favorite traditions is pizza Fridays, where we make some homemade pies and everyone is welcome. As for toppings, my favorite might be fried eggplant or spicy Italian sausage.

If you were to have a dinner party, who would you invite, living or dead, in addition to your family?

Easy! I’ve actually thought about this a ton. I would of course first invite my favorite athletes: Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Derek Jeter, and Emmitt Smith. These guys were my role models growing up and their work ethic was truly inspiring.

Additionally, I would love to sit down and have a pizza pie with Neil Armstrong and Jack Schmitt. Neil was obviously the first man on the Moon and Jack was the first geologist on the Moon. Hearing some stories from these pioneers would no-doubt be a lifetime highlight.

What is your “six-word memoir”? A six-word memoir describes something in just six words.

Motivated. Passionate. Curious. Supportive. Hard-working. Family-man.

By Elizabeth M. Jarrell
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

A banner graphic with a group of people smiling and the text "Conversations with Goddard" on the right. The people represent many genders, ethnicities, and ages, and all pose in front of a soft blue background image of space and stars.

Conversations With Goddard is a collection of Q&A profiles highlighting the breadth and depth of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center’s talented and diverse workforce. The Conversations have been published twice a month on average since May 2011. Read past editions on Goddard’s “Our People” webpage.

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      News Media Contacts
      Andrew Wang / Jane J. Lee
      Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
      626-379-6874 / 818-354-0307
      andrew.wang@jpl.nasa.gov / jane.j.lee@jpl.nasa.gov
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      By Wayne Smith
      Investigators at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, will use observations from a recently-launched sounding rocket mission to provide a clearer image of how and why the Sun’s corona grows so much hotter than the visible surface of Earth’s parent star. The MaGIXS-2 mission – short for the second flight of the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer – launched from White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico on Tuesday, July 16.
      NASA’s MaGIXS-2 sounding rocket mission successfully launched from White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico on July 16. United States Navy The mission’s goal is to determine the heating mechanisms in active regions on the Sun by making critical observations using X-ray spectroscopy.
      The Sun’s surface temperature is around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit – but the corona routinely measures more than 1.8 million degrees, with active regions measuring up to 5 million degrees.
      Amy Winebarger, Marshall heliophysicist and principal investigator for the MaGIXS missions, said studying the X-rays from the Sun sheds light on what’s happening in the solar atmosphere – which, in turn, directly impacts Earth and the entire solar system.
      X-ray spectroscopy provides unique capabilities for answering fundamental questions in solar physics and for potentially predicting the onset of energetic eruptions on the Sun like solar flares or coronal mass ejections. These violent outbursts can interfere with communications satellites and electronic systems, even causing physical drag on satellites as Earth’s atmosphere expands to absorb the added solar energy.
      “Learning more about these solar events and being able to predict them are the kind of things we need to do to better live in this solar system with our Sun,” Winebarger said.
      The NASA team retrieved the payload immediately after the flight and has begun processing datasets.
      “We have these active regions on the Sun, and these areas are very hot, much hotter than even the rest of the corona,” said Patrick Champey, deputy principal investigator at Marshall for the mission. “There’s been a big question – how are these regions heated? We previously determined it could relate to how often energy is released. The X-rays are particularly sensitive to this frequency number, and so we built an instrument to look at the X-ray spectra and disentangle the data.”
      The MaGIXS-2 sounding rocket team stand on the launchpad in White Sands, New Mexico prior to launch on July 16, 2024. United States Navy Following a successful July 2021 launch of the first MaGIXS mission, Marshall and its partners refined instrumentation for MaGIXS-2 to provide a broader view for observing the Sun’s X-rays. Marshall engineers developed and fabricated the telescope and spectrometer mirrors, and the camera. The integrated instrument was exhaustively tested in Marshall’s state-of-the-art X-ray & Cryogenic Facility. For MaGIXS-2, the team refined the same mirrors used on the first flight, with a much larger aperture and completed the testing at Marshall’s Stray Light Test Facility.
      A Marshall project from inception, technology developments for MaGIXS include the low-noise CCD camera, high-resolution X-ray optics, calibration methods, and more.
      Winebarger and Champey said MaGIXS many of the team members started their NASA careers with the project, learning to take on lead roles and benefitting from mentorship.
      “I think that’s probably the most critical thing, aside from the technology, for being successful,” Winebarger said. “It’s very rare that you get from concept to flight in a few years. A young engineer can go all the way to flight, come to White Sands to watch it launch, and retrieve it.”
      NASA routinely uses sounding rockets for  brief, focused science missions. They’re often smaller, more affordable, and faster to design and build than large-scale satellite missions, Winebarger said. Sounding rockets carry scientific instruments into space along a parabolic trajectory. Their overall time in space is brief, typically five minutes, and at lower vehicle speeds for a well-placed scientific experiment.
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      NASA’s long-term vision to provide for a resilient space and ground communications and navigation infrastructure in which space mission users can seamlessly “roam” between an array of space-based and ground-based networks has been bolstered by innovative studies delivered by industry through the Next Space Technologies for Exploration (NextSTEP) – 2 Omnibus Broad Agency Announcement vehicle.  Initially, NASA seeks to create an interoperable architecture composed of a mixture of existing NASA assets and commercial networks and services.  In the long-term, this will allow for a smooth transition to fully commercialized communications services for near-Earth users.  The overarching goal is to create a reliable, robust, and cost-effective set of commercial services in which NASA is one of many customers.
      NASA’s Commercialization, Innovation, and Synergies (CIS) Office has released a solicitation notice under the Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships-2 (Next STEP-2) Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to seek industry insights, innovative guidance, and demonstrations in the following two (2) Study Areas: 
      Lunar User Terminals Network Orchestration and Management System (NOMS) To support lunar surface operations, NASA is seeking state-of-the-art industry studies, system development, and demonstrations for a dual-purpose navigation and communication lunar surface user terminal.  The terminal must meet technical requirements provided by the government to support lunar surface exploration plans and ensure interoperability with developed LunaNet and Lunar Communications Relay and Navigation System (LCRNS) standards.  The requirements will be split into separate LunaNet Augmented Forward Signal (AFS) navigation receiver and communications transceiver capabilities.  However, the development of a combined communications and position, navigation, and timing (CPNT) system capable of meeting the full suite of requirements is desired.
      Additionally, NASA is seeking innovative industry studies and demonstrations on advanced Network Orchestration and Management Systems (NOMS) that effectively address NASA technical requirements aimed at controlling and interfacing with a globally distributed network of Satellite Ground Systems currently supporting the Near Space Network (NSN).
      The resulting studies will ensure advancement of NASA’s development of space communication and exploration technologies, capabilities, and concepts.
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