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For astronauts aboard the International Space Station, staying connected to loved ones and maintaining a sense of normalcy is critical. That is where Tandra Gill Spain, a computer resources senior project manager in NASA’s Avionics and Software Office, comes in. Spain leads the integration of applications on Apple devices and the hardware integration on the Joint Station Local Area Network, which connects the systems from various space agencies on the International Space Station. She also provides technical lead support to the Systems Engineering and Space Operations Computing teams and certifies hardware for use on the orbiting laboratory.
Spain shares about her career with NASA and more. Read on to learn about her story, her favorite project, and the advice she has for the next generation of explorers.
Tandra Spain’s official NASA portrait. NASA Where are you from?
I am from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Tell us about your role at NASA.
I am the Apple subsystem manager where I lead the integration of applications on Apple devices as well as the hardware integration on the Joint Station Local Area Network. We use a variety of different software but I work specifically with our Apple products. I also provide technical lead support to the Systems Engineering and Space Operations Computing teams. In addition, I select and oversee the certification of hardware for use on the International Space Station, and I research commonly used technology and assess applicability to space operations.
How would you describe your job to family or friends who may not be familiar with NASA?
I normalize living and working in space by providing the comforts and conveniences of living on Earth.
Tandra spain
Computer Resources Senior Project Manager
I get the opportunity to provide the iPads and associated applications that give astronauts the resources to access the internet. Having access to the internet affords them the opportunity to stay as connected as they desire with what is going on back home on Earth (e.g., stream media content, stay in touch with family and friends, and even pay bills). I also provide hardware such as Bluetooth speakers, AirPods, video projectors, and screens.
How long have you been working for NASA?
I have been with the agency for 30 years, including 22 years as a contractor.
What advice would you give to young individuals aspiring to work in the space industry or at NASA?
I have found that there is a place for just about everyone at NASA, therefore, follow your passion. Although many of us are, you don’t have to be a scientist or engineer to work at NASA. Yearn to learn. Pause and listen to those around you. You don’t know what you don’t know, and you will be amazed what gems you’ll learn in the most unexpected situations.
Additionally, be flexible and find gratitude in every experience. Many of the roles that I’ve had over the years didn’t come from a well-crafted, laid-out plan that I executed, but came from taking advantage of the opportunities that presented themselves and doing them to the best of my ability.
Tandra Spain and her husband, Ivan, with NASA astronaut and Flight Director TJ Creamer when she was awarded the Silver Snoopy Award. What was your path to NASA?
I moved to Houston to work at NASA’s Johnson Space Center immediately upon graduating from college.
Is there someone in the space, aerospace, or science industry that has motivated or inspired you to work for the space program? Or someone you discovered while working for NASA who inspires you?
I spent over half of my career in the Astronaut Office, and I’ve been influenced in different ways by different people, so it wouldn’t be fair to pick just one!
What is your favorite NASA memory?
I’ve worked on so many meaningful projects, but there are two recent projects that stand out.
Humans were not created to be alone, and connection is extremely important. I was able to provide a telehealth platform for astronauts to autonomously video conference with friends and family whenever an internet connection is available. Prior to having this capability, crew were limited to one scheduled video conference a week. It makes me emotional to think that we have moms and dads orbiting the Earth on the space station and they can see their babies before they go to bed, when they wake up in the morning, or even in the middle of the night if needed.
In addition, since iPads are used for work as well as personal activities on station, it is important for my team to be able to efficiently keep the applications and security patches up to date. We completed the software integration and are in the process of wrapping up the certification of the Mac Mini to provide this capability. This will allow us to keep up with all software updates that Apple releases on a regular basis and minimize the amount of crew and flight controller team time associated with the task by approximately 85%.
Tandra Spain, her mother, Marva Herndon, and her daughter, Sasha, at her daughter’s high school graduation in 2024. What do you love sharing about station? What’s important to get across to general audiences to help them understand the benefits to life on Earth?
When I speak to the public about the space station, I like to compare our everyday lives on Earth to life on the station and highlight the use of technology to maintain the connection to those on Earth. For example, most people have a phone. Besides making a phone call, what do you use your phone for? It is amazing to know that the same capabilities exist on station, such as using apps, participating in parent teacher conferences, and more.
If you could have dinner with any astronaut, past or present, who would it be?
I would have dinner with NASA astronaut Ron McNair. He graduated from the same university as I did, and I’ve heard great stories about him.
Do you have a favorite space-related memory or moment that stands out to you?
As I mentioned previously, human connection is extremely important. As an engineer in the Astronaut Office, I worked on a project that provided more frequent email updates when Ku-Band communication was available. Previously, email was synced two to three times a day, and less on the weekend. When the capability went active, I sent the first email exchange.
What are some of the key projects you’ve worked on during your time at NASA? What have been your favorite?
There have been so many projects over the past 30 years that I don’t think I could select just one. There is something however, that I’ve done on many occasions that has brought me pure joy, which is attending outreach events as Johnson’s “Cosmo” mascot, especially Houston Astros games.
Tandra Spain representing NASA as “Cosmo” the astronaut mascot at a Houston Astros baseball game. What are your hobbies/things you enjoy outside of work?
I enjoy crafting, traveling, mentoring students in Pearland Independent School District, spending time with family, and my Rooted Together community.
Day launch or night launch?
Night launch!
Favorite space movie?
Star Wars (the original version)
NASA “worm” or “meatball” logo?
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Caption: Illustration of the four PUNCH spacecraft in low Earth orbit. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab
NASA will hold a media teleconference at 2 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Feb. 4, to share information about the agency’s upcoming PUNCH (Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere) mission, which is targeted to launch no earlier than Thursday, Feb. 27.
The agency’s PUNCH mission is a constellation of four small satellites. When they arrive in low Earth orbit, the satellites will make global, 3D observations of the Sun’s outer atmosphere, the corona, and help NASA learn how the mass and energy there become solar wind. By imaging the Sun’s corona and the solar wind together, scientists hope to better understand the entire inner heliosphere – Sun, solar wind, and Earth – as a single connected system.
Audio of the teleconference will stream live on the agency’s website at:
Participants include:
Madhulika Guhathakurta, NASA program scientist, NASA Headquarters Nicholeen Viall, PUNCH mission scientist, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Craig DeForest, PUNCH principal investigator, Southwest Research Institute To participate in the media teleconference, media must RSVP no later than 12 p.m. on Feb. 4 to: Abbey Interrante at: NASA’s media accreditation policy is available online.
The PUNCH mission will share a ride to space with NASA’s SPHEREx (Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization and Ices Explorer) space telescope on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 4 East at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.
The Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, leads the PUNCH mission. The mission is managed by the Explorers Program Office at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
To learn more about PUNCH, please visit:
Karen Fox
Headquarters, Washington
Sarah Frazier
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
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NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement at Johnson Space Center in Houston offers students a unique gateway to opportunity through the High School Aerospace Scholars (HAS) program. The initiative provides Texas juniors with hands-on experience in space exploration, working on projects ranging from rocket building to problem-solving in collaborative teams.
The stories of HAS alumni highlight the program’s impact, showcasing how it has opened doors to diverse careers in STEM and inspired graduates to empower others.
Johnson Community Engagement Lead Jessica Cordero, who served as the manager of the HAS program from 2018 to 2021, reflected on her time with the students:
“I had the privilege of working with so many incredible students who brought imagination and determination to their dreams,” she said. “During HAS, they connected with peers who shared their passion for NASA and STEM, and by the time they completed the program, they had a clear vision of the degrees they would pursue in college. These students are the Artemis Generation—we are in great hands!”
Meet Former HAS Student Neel Narayan
For Neel Narayan, NASA’s HAS program was a transformative experience that reshaped his understanding of space exploration and his place within it.
Through his time in the program, Narayan learned to navigate complex challenges with confidence. “My experience working with difficult information at HAS, combined with having mentors explain the unknown, taught me to be okay with confusion and comfortable with solving hard problems,” he said. “That’s what STEM is all about.”
Neel Narayan at NASA’s High School Aerospace Scholars (HAS) 20th anniversary ceremony. Before participating in the program, Narayan had a narrow view of what a STEM career entailed: long equations and solitary hours behind a computer. HAS completely dismantled that misconception. He said the program, “broke the most complex concepts into granular bites of digestible information, showing that complexity can be distilled if done correctly.”
“During the one-week onsite experience, I was talking to scientists, building rockets, and exploring NASA facilities—none of which involved equations!” he said. “HAS taught me that STEM is not confined to technical work.”
Narayan describes HAS as an eye-opening experience that redefined his approach to problem-solving. “Most of us are unaware of what we don’t know,” he said. “In collaborating with others, I was made aware of solutions that I didn’t know existed. The greatest asset you can have when solving a problem is another person.”
He credits the HAS community, especially his fellow scholars, with shaping his academic and professional growth. “I benefited most from the networking opportunities, particularly with the other HAS scholars in my cohort,” he said. “For those of us studying together in California, we’ve met up to discuss work, school, and external opportunities. Everyone in the program comes out very successful, and I’m grateful to have met those people and to still stay in touch with them.”
For high school students considering STEM but unsure of their direction, Narayan offers simple advice: keep exploring. “You don’t need to know your career path yet—in fact, you shouldn’t,” he said. “There is no better field to explore than STEM because of its vastness.”
Neel Narayan, University of Stanford. Narayan is currently pursuing a master’s degree in computational and mathematical engineering at Stanford University after earning an undergraduate degree in computer science. With his graduate program, Narayan is building on the foundation he developed through NASA’s HAS program.
Narayan aspires to contribute to the agency’s innovation and groundbreaking work. “NASA’s research changes the world, and being part of that mission is a dream I’ve had for a while,” he said.
Meet Sarah Braun
NASA’s HAS program solidified Sarah Braun’s understanding of how a STEM career could encompass her diverse interests, from design and education to plotting spacecraft orbits and planning launches. From her time in HAS to her current space exploration career, Braun believes STEM can be as multifaceted as the people who pursue it.
“HAS showed me the options ahead were as endless as my imagination,” she said. “The program convinced me that all my skills would be put to use in STEM, including getting to be creative and artistic.”
Sarah Braun engages in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics outreach at the Air Zoo Aerospace & Science Museum in Portage, Michigan, standing beside a Gemini model. The program gave her the opportunity to network, problem-solve, and collaborate with students from various backgrounds. “Learning how to communicate designs I could picture in my head was the biggest challenge, but by observing my teammates and mentors, I built the skills I needed.”
The networking opportunities she gained through HAS have also been instrumental to her academic and career growth. “The mentors I met through HAS have supported me throughout college and into my early career,” she said. “They taught me countless technical skills and how to best take advantage of my college years. I would never have made it to where I am today without HAS!”
After completing the HAS program, Braun interned with NASA, where she worked on space systems and paved the way for her career at Collins Aerospace.
Sarah Braun at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton, Ohio. She stands in front of the hardware she now works on at Collins Aerospace. Braun advises high school students uncertain about their career paths to get engaged and ask questions. “There are so many people out there who pursue STEM to follow a passion or challenge themselves,” she said. “Talking with people about what they have experienced and learned has been a huge help and inspiration for me throughout the years.”
She is also passionate about inspiring and educating others. “Whether I’m leading after-school STEM clubs or mentoring students, outreach and teaching have become my biggest contributions to NASA’s mission of exploration and discovery,” said Braun.
Meet Audrey Scott
Audrey Scott credits the HAS program with giving her a chance to explore science in the real world. “I experienced the excitement space could bring through livestream events like the landing of NASA’s InSight Lander mission and Cassini’s Grand Finale,” she said.
Audrey Scott, front, with fellow 2019 HAS graduates. Scott shared that the HAS program opened her eyes to the vast possibilities within STEM fields. Seeing the many ways to apply a STEM degree in practice broadened her perspective and inspired her to pursue her passion.
After HAS, Scott chose to study astrophysics at the University of Chicago in Illinois, where she is now pursuing her Ph.D. in experimental cosmology and laying the groundwork for a future in space exploration.
“My time with HAS and its encouragement of STEM excellence gave me the confidence I needed to take the plunge,” said Scott.
The program also transformed her approach to teamwork and exposed her to fast-paced problem-solving. “My school didn’t prioritize group projects, so working with people from all different backgrounds and personalities was informative for my future work in college,” she said. “HAS was a safe space to experiment with being both a leader and collaborator.”
She encourages high school students uncertain of their path to “try everything.” Scott advises, “If you have a moment of fascination, take advantage of that intellectual and creative energy, and learn something new. Time spent realizing you don’t like something is just as useful as time spent realizing you do.” She also recommends seeking out resources, finding mentors, and talking to everyone.
Scott continues to connect with some of her HAS cohort, especially young women navigating STEM paths alongside her. “We’ve been able to support each other through challenges,” she said. “Being part of HAS made me, in a way, part of the NASA family.”
Audrey Scott, front, with fellow 2019 HAS graduates. Scott’s HAS experience opened doors to opportunities like the Brooke Owens Fellowship, where she worked on a satellite in partnership with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and later the Illinois Space Grant award, which took her to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. She envisions part of her thesis research as a Ph.D. candidate taking place at a NASA center and remains open to a future at the agency.
“I’ll continue advocating for space exploration and pushing the boundaries of what’s known,” she said. “In my research, I’m driven by questions like, ‘What did the beginning of the universe look like—and why are we here?’”
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